bmann’s avatarbmann’s Twitter Archive—№ 28,509

  1. I've written up my understanding of the "layers" of Ethereum governance -- open source collaboration, protocol standardization, core dev coordination, network governance, and nodes running software. Network governance is the undefined layer.
    1. …in reply to @bmann
      It was helpful to me to define these layers, to make some @VladZamfir style definitions (not nearly so precise, but then I'm not a researcher!). I'm hoping we can use them to enable further discussions.
      1. …in reply to @bmann
        I included @cyber_hokie's tweetstorm, which is a great, canonical overview of the EIP governance process and it's purpose as protocol standardization. Great job, Andrew! @cyber_hokie/1112305608047427584
        1. …in reply to @bmann
          I've started a thread on #EthMagicians if you would like to discuss further