bmann’s avatarbmann’s Twitter Archive—№ 34,912

                              1. Getting started with the week long #IPFSThing event in Iceland. Beautiful country and venue.
                                oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their APIoh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their APIoh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their APIoh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
                            1. …in reply to @bmann
                              Talking with @IlyaKreymer of @webrecorder_io about #UCAN for authenticated archiving & Web3 Storage interop, commons funding and getting larger orgs to contribute, and more #ipfsthing
                              oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
                          1. …in reply to @bmann
                            Chatting with @espdlucas about Brazil vs Iceland temperatures, local adoption in 🇧🇷 of @IPFS, 12 factor / serverless scaling for IPFS like Elastic IPFS, and users running desktop & mobile nodes. #ipfsthing
                            oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
                        1. …in reply to @bmann
                          First single track day is about different IPFS & friends implementations. @expede & @matheusdev23 presented about WNFS, a file system on top of IPFS that includes private data with encryption Recordings of sessions to follow #ipfsthing
                          oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their APIoh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
                      1. …in reply to @bmann
                        Yes, @expede is presenting #WNFS as “A Distributed File System for Secure P2P Applications” at this year’s Strange Loop Conf @strangeloop_stl #ipfsthing
                    1. …in reply to @bmann
                      Today I’m facilitating the “Building Apps with @IPFS” track at #ipfsthing — agenda is here We’ll have slides and video up after the fact, as well as top follow on activities to get involved in working groups
                  1. …in reply to @bmann
                    First preso was @expede doing an overview of @FISSIONcodes WebNative SDK First slide: #WNFS encrypted file system supports Time Machine (pointing) 2nd: yes we’re implementing major portions in Rust/WASM for portability and performance #ipfsthing
                    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their APIoh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
                1. …in reply to @bmann
                  Now up with Ian Preston from @Peergos #ipfsthing
                  oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
              1. …in reply to @bmann
                Popping over to the Connecting IPFS track. @hugomrdias is doing a talk “Connecting IPFS users and permissions to DIDs with #UCAN” and how it is used at @nft_storage #ipfsthing
                oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
            1. …in reply to @bmann
              “Connecting IPFS users and permissions to DIDs with UCAN” by @hugomrdias #ipfsthing @hugomrdias/1547193416932630530
          1. …in reply to @bmann
            Yes the talks continued! Great walk through by @0xcda7a of building Subconscious. Check the latest blog for why #UCAN ended up being a good fit for them Image on screen is a Xanadu / Ted Nelson reference of course! #ipfsthing
            oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
        1. …in reply to @bmann
          Much thanks to @SgtPooki for demo’ing and discussing @IPFS desktop. Yes, we CAN do more with desktop nodes, from developer to end users. Check some issue in the backlog & get involved! #ipfsthing
      1. …in reply to @bmann
        It was amazing to have @b_fiive explain both his past, and prompt a discussion about the future of @IPFS Spurred our most intense in person discussion. What else should IPFS include as the base layer operating system? #ipfsthing
        oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
    1. …in reply to @bmann
      Final session was a speed run through two compute + IPFS approaches. First up @eponomarev talking @fluence_project #ipfsthing
      oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  1. …in reply to @bmann
    And @aronchick did an amazing high energy presentation about both the specifics of the Bachalau project, as well as a broader Compute-Over-Data working group. #ipfsthing
    1. …in reply to @bmann
      That’s it for the “Building Apps on @IPFS” track. We’ve got a parking lot page here And we’ll be filling out extended links, slides, and video over the next days. #ipfsthing
      1. …in reply to @bmann
        Data & IPFS Unconf talks chaired by Hannah Howard, @matheusdev23 talking inversible bloom filters techniques to make more efficient transfers #ipfsthing
        oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
        1. …in reply to @bmann
          Reykjavik Harbour, 11:30pm #ipfsthing
          oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
          1. …in reply to @bmann
            Getting started in @mishmosh facilitated Project & Community track. @lidelOrg showing new IPIP process. Shout out to @justinjohnsonio for his work on _redirects #ipfsthing
            oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
            1. …in reply to @bmann
              Laugh crying at @dietrich’s IPFS working with standards bodies talk #ipfsthing
              oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their APIoh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
              1. …in reply to @bmann
                In @lidelOrg’s talk, the topic was about IPFS HTTP Gateways, but as well as “low hanging fruit”, he explored “tropical, strange, and exotic fruits” 😝 #ipfsthing
                oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
                1. …in reply to @bmann
                  Yay @RangerMauve! A great talk about the present and future of Aggregore, a p2p browser with optimal support for local first software, including @IPFS #ipfsthing
                  oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their APIoh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
                  1. …in reply to @bmann
                    Many talks blew my mind the last several days, but experimental support for DIDs + #UCAN in a mobile OS was pretty high on the list. @fabricedesre presented @capyloon, a fork of @KaiOStech, and talked about how dweb are a BETTER model than mobile app stores. #ipfsthing
                    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their APIoh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their APIoh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
                    1. …in reply to @bmann
                      It was great to hear and see live demos from @IlyaKreymer about @webrecorder_io — full fidelity archiving of web pages with support for sharing as IPFS. I keep thinking this is perfect for #ToolsForThought - and to make for _distributed_ bookmarking / archiving #ipfsthing
                      oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
                      1. …in reply to @bmann
                        I had to do some organizer errands so missed David Justice’s presentation — but I do have his slides on Manifest v3 (latest Chrome web extensions spec) and what that means for IPFS Companion #ipfsthing
                        1. …in reply to @bmann
                          David Justice also helped ship the Durin native mobile app: upload, view, and share IPFS content! Link to App Store: Here’s a video: @Filecoin/1529910310768889868 #ipfsthing